Now Easier With Digital Photography
Now I'm a very optimistic person, I'm positive that my love life sucks!!! I keep hoping that someday I'll be proven wrong, but that day hasn't come yet. Some people say the glass is half full. Some say it's half empty. I say "put some ice in it". What am I ranting about? Just like the last guy Tom G. I was trying to scope out and figure which way he swung. I was spending more time with my friend from work, the one that just retired, Dave W. He was telling me the people he met where he's moving to 600 + miles away in a southern state. His decorator, how nice she looks in her lacy tops and very tight jeans. He said she really gets him going. He's got a lady friend in Florida he's going to spend a couple of weeks with next month. And his next door neighbor lady, some one about Dave's age. Spending a lot of time and doing activities together, etc. So no I don't think Dave's looking for a quote-unquote guy friend. And in the past, he's said a few homophobic comments. I still thought I might tell him how I feel about him. If he reacts negatively we both can part ways and move on. If on the other hand, it's positive, as in thanks but no thanks but we still can be good friends. I'll keep in touch and maybe visit him in his retirement. If it goes bad or really bad I un-friend him on F/B and block him, just so he doesn't bother me or other F/B friends. So that's two out of three guys I've been, for lack of a better term chasing after. It might make me appear as a satyr. ;-) But hey I've got to have a backup plan if the first one or second one or maybe even the third one don't work out. The third guy, I haven't seen him around much lately. But I've made friends with a guy name Roy. We both seem to have a lot in common and have plenty to talk about when we do get together. Like Ron (Retired in Delaware) said before. It might be a guy that hasn't even come on the scene yet, you never know.
