Saturday, November 29, 2014

Procrastination Saturday II

Randy lost a wheel!
A lesson on not putting things off for too long. I procrastinated in having my car serviced, it was making a rumbling noise in the front. Sometimes a clunk on a bump.  Well last weekend evening I was driving home after     supper with the parents. I was making a right hand turn and the right front wheel fell off. The ball joint had broken and tire laying under the fender. It also pulled the right drive shaft out of the transmission. A few days later after having it towed to my auto repair place. I got it back one day before turkey day. Being out in the middle of bum-f#*k Nebraska the garage had to order the parts from Omaha, about 1.5 hours west of me. Well with my wallet a little over $1000.00 lighter I'm on the road again. If I had caught it earlier it might have been only about half that. Oh well I'm back driving my thunderbolt grease slapper again. lol.
Stinky mess in my basement!
This was the other thing I put off not doing, replacing a old rusty sewer drain pipe that broke this past August. This problem started years ago before I bought this house. The cinder block wall was bowing in from water along the foundation. As you can see I took care of that problem last year. But the sewer pipe was already cracked and repaired it with glue and steel patch. these old pipes are about 60 to 70 years old and made of iron. It was a good thing I was home, I was just going out to have lunch with some friends. When I heard a crack and the sound of running water. Down in my basement this is what I found, I took this picture about 15 minutes later. The 2 buckets and my sump are filled with about 30 gallons of doody water. lol. The whole place now is smelling of poo gas. If I had just decided to repair it sooner, I wouldn't have to deal with the mess the smell and the clean-up. I did dump the 2 buckets of water down a few gopher holes in the back yard, that should take care of those pesky gophers! It seems like it's always something when you own a house especially one that was built in 1926. Hey I might have a couple of post for November here.